Cloud Software Leasing


Keep Your Business  Flying with Cloud Software Leasing

Cloud software is changing the scene of how businesses are productive.  Instead of downloading the latest software to your company’s PCs, most businesses are using cloud software that runs on the internet.  The implications are positively monumental.  Forward-thinking corporations use cloud computing to:

  • Increase their productivity with smaller workforces
  • Reduce technology infrastructure budgets
  • Expand accessibility
  • Avoid software licensing fees while globalizing their workforce

STRADA Capital is helping companies make the leap to the cloud.  We specialize in assisting businesses with exploring leasing options that make the migration to cloud software financially viable.  Therefore, there is no need to worry about the initial financial feasibility of starting cloud-based operations.

Migrate to the Cloud on a Lease

The beauty of cloud software is its ability to increase a businesses storage capacity without spending thousands of dollars on hardware.  This also allows a company to save space while adding the latest software.  Fees associated with cloud computing include subscription fees, licensing fees, training, and added storage capacity.  If your company is contemplating cloud based computing, gives us a call.  STRADA Capital can help you to get up-to-date at an affordable price.

Cloud Accounting Software Leasing

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